
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Hobbit Marathon

So, while there won't be many chances where I can take an entire day and do something completely fun (at least while classes are in session), I took a vacation day from work to attend a semi-local screening of all 3 Hobbit movies, including the new one about 24 hours before it was officially released in theaters.

I say semi-local because I drove myself to Danbury, about a 45 minute drive from home to benefit from the IMAX experience and the comfortable seating in the IMAX theater. (The other local IMAX theater does not have comfortable seats.)

Now, don't worry, I won't spoil anything about the movie.  Though I will say, you pretty much know what will happen if you've read the book.  At least most stuff you'd know.

I first have to say a huge THANK YOU to AMC Theatres for their hospitality.  Everyone attending the marathon was given a special lanyard with a card that indicated one was there for the marathon (and which acted as our pass in and out of the theater area) as well as a poster.  The folks at the concession stand were very patient when at certain times (aka when one movie ended and we were on break before the next one) they would be swarmed with close to a hundred people wanting refills of popcorn, soda, or actual food made like chicken tenders and fries.  There was trivia between the 2nd and 3rd movies which was fun (though I didn't win anything).  And we even had a little kid (he couldn't have been more than 7) who treated us to his version of "Blunt The Knives."

Things I learned During the Marathon....

1) It was apparently a special Hobbit Holiday because there were an awful lot of kids in the theater, some with parents and others without.  Though I took a vacation day from work, it did not seem like it was appropriate to skip a school day to attend a movie marathon so it must've been a school holiday, right? ;-)

2) Having someone with a quiet voice trying to ask trivia questions while the end credits are still playing loudly is a BAAAAD idea.  Use someone with a louder voice.  Or wait until the credits are done.

3) Napkins make good tissues in a pinch.

4) The best time to spend the money and buy a large soda is during a marathon.  Because refills are free.  So you don't have to keep buying drinks as you alternate food.  (Unless you want to try sneaking in food and drink.)

5) Theater lights make for bad reading lights.  Or homework lights if you're the kids who were in the row in front of me doing their homework.

6) Peter Jackson addressed something that has been bugging me for several Middle Earth-based movies, as I'm sure it has been bugging others, whether he realized it or not.  (I won't say what it is.  If you see the movie and you think you know what I'm talking about, feel free to comment!)

7) M&M's make for a good distraction as they're thrown across an aisle in the a mother learned when she threw some at her daughter and daughter's friend who chose to sit in 2 seats off to the right-side of where we were seated.  (They were getting a little noisy towards the end.)

8) Lee Pace has the ability to play someone that you both really dislike because of his attitude but also really like and want to root on.

I obviously don't want to say much else because I don't want to give anything away.  Maybe after a few weeks I'll write more on the actual movie.  But I wanted to share some of this stuff now while I could.

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