
Monday, June 28, 2021

Merging is a New Journey - Calming View

Sometimes the more involved you get, the more overwhelmed you may feel.  One thing I thought would never happen was a week where a spent more days at church than I did in other places aside from my house.  Not because of the pandemic but because I figured I would be resting for longer than I did.  A couple weeks ago I was at church on Sunday for worship, Tuesday for a group study, Wednesday for a meeting, and Thursday for choir.  That's 4 out of 7 days.  Crazy, right?

Sky view at PUMC 6/2021

One of those days during that week, I left and took this photo.  What I am calling the calming view.

I have learned over the past several months or so that God keeps blessing us with amazing sky views.  Sometimes it is blue sky with the perfect puffy cloud.  Sometimes it is stormy clouds that just look really cool.  Sometimes it is a picture-perfect sunset.  Always a calming view.

But I have grown to love the views of the sky from my church home.  Like the one I shared above.

Wappingers had a lovely building.  And if you were looking out the window at just the right time, you'd catch a beautiful sunset.  But, for most of the time, I never took the time to appreciate the view from that area.

I'm learning I need to take in the view more.  And let it have the calming effect that God wants it to have for me.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Thursday Thoughts - Getting Back to "Normal"

Roughly 15 months ago, everything in New York State shut down and I started working from home, like a lot of people did.  Some people were just home.  Some continued to work in their location due to the essential service they provided.  If you went out, you had to wear a mask.  You had to stay 6 feet from people.  Stores were limited in the number of people they could have in them.  No one ate in a restaurant, with some increasing their to-go capabilities.

Now, things are changing here in New York.

Not that things will ever be back to the way they used to be - but in some ways, things seem to be getting back to "normal" whatever that is now.

A welcome welcome sign

When I arrived to work today, I saw a familiar but missed sign - the "Welcome to Orientation" sign.  This was not present last year as Orientation took place completely online.  There really was no on-campus experience as other summer programs were cancelled or done virtually.  Some programs are being done virtually once again this year.  But, here is just one sign of things coming back.

There was a milestone yesterday at work that said if we were vaccinated, we could take our masks off (if we felt comfortable doing so) in our offices and throughout buildings.  It was so strange seeing people walk through my area and seeing their WHOLE face and not just part of their face.  I've been experiencing this at church too, not recognizing people because I have literally only known them as a masked face.  Some people I have been able to see in other ways, like through Zoom or while singing together at safe distances.  But others I had no idea what the rest of their face looked like.

My first experience in a store without a mask on was in Target last weekend.  It felt so weird walking around without a mask on after it being routine to put a mask on while getting out of the car, walking into a store, then walking out of the store and taking it back off once inside my car.

What I do find difficult is knowing which stores or locations are continuing requiring masks and which ones have left it optional for vaccinated individuals.  Some places have it posted quite clearly.  Other places have simply removed signs.  Some places are confused - they have removed door signage, but still have things outside their doors that say masks are required.  I just wish after so long, they would put signs up that were just as big and clear as the "you must wear a mask" to say "masks are optional."

I will still carry a mask or two in my car and on my person.  Because I might be with someone who isn't vaccinated (like my niece, who can't be - and if she has to wear a mask, I will wear one with her!) or may feel more comfortable having anyone they are with wear a mask too.  Or there are places I know will still require a mask (the chiropractor's office for example).

But some things seem to be getting back to partially the way they used to.  And that is quite an adjustment to go through.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Merging is a New Journey - The Other Side

This was going to be last week's entry, but I felt the need to write about my particularly bad headache and how I did the exact opposite of what I said I would do.  (haha!)

So, here it is this week's entry.  The Other Side.

And what I mean by that is...

Throughout the process of the merger between Wappingers and PUMC, I was part of a Merger Committee.  This was a mix of people from both congregations, and the pastors, who worked out all the details of the merger.

And now PUMC has been through another merger process with Bangall UMC.  This time I was part of the merger committee from the other side, the church welcoming a new church.

Bangall UMC Altar (taken by me)

It feels a bit different on this other side.  Granted, I was familiar with the process this time around having gone through it before.  But it came from a perspective of really recent hindsight.

I have talked before about how welcome I felt into the PUMC family, even with all the pandemic restrictions that we had.  It was my hope to be able to share the same welcoming feeling to those coming from Bangall, especially because it is all so hard.

It did bring back some of the old feelings I had during my own merging process.  In fact, as more and more is done as we gather in person, some of the feelings come back because I'm either asked if I was from Wappingers (because my face isn't familiar) or I share that I came from Wappingers (because someone else's face isn't familiar).

But, mostly it was almost a sense of closure for me.  I obviously will still have all my memories.  And now thanks to Amazon Photos, I am reliving many I had forgotten about and should have shared.  But it felt good to be able to give back, in a way, during this whole process.

And if I can just say, please keep those who are coming to PUMC by way of Bangall in your prayers.  Their last worship service is this coming Sunday.  I know for myself, our last worship service I started the day strong and was a total wreck by the end.  Even though we were singing my favorite song ever (yay 155!).  I'm sure some of the same feelings will be felt. Or maybe different feelings.  Everyone reacts differently.  But the prayers would be needed all the same.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thursday Thoughts - The Great Lemonade Hunt

If you have heard of Delish anywhere online (web, YouTube, social media, etc.), you may know there is a regular series called "Julia Tries Everything."  I stumbled across this during the pandemic last year and quickly became addicted to the show and others they produce.  In my hunt for the perfect lemonade to drink during Virtual Annual Conference last week, I had a serious "Julia Tries Everything" vibe as I went to multiple stores to find individual-sized bottles of lemonades.

First set of lemonades bought.

See, at Annual Conference at Hofstra for lunch and dinner, the dining people always serve, in addition to cold water and iced tea, the best (according to me) lemonade.  It has become such a tradition for me at those meals to have lemonade.  So, I wanted to have a similar experience this year but wasn't sure what the best lemonade was.

I asked on Facebook for some suggestions, and then just went out and bought a bunch of lemonades.  You can see the first set above that I purchased on Thursday before I started the evening session.  I also bought Stewart's brand on Friday and then Saturday when I was done with conference just to fulfill a suggestion I got a huge bottle of Turkey Hill lemonade.  Aside from the one pink lemonade, I was just sticking with the basic "lemonade" profile, with no other flavorings.  Maybe that will be my next lemonade hunt.

Let me just start out by saying, none of the brands were BAD.  If I started a bottle, I finished it.  If someone put any of these brands in front of me, I would drink it.  But, I do have my preferences.

Thursday I only had a short window when I could drink something that wasn't water, so I went with Tropicana.  I have to say, I wasn't really that impressed.  It was fine but seemed to lack in the lemonade flavor I was expecting.  I liked the small bottle though, because I did have a short time in which I could drink it (unless I wanted a headache the next day).  So it was the perfect size for the timing.

Friday, I expected at least a full 12-hour day.  I wound up with about an 8 hour day because we got done with everything early.  I brought Simply Lemonade, the Brisk Pink Lemonade, and the one you might see says "Grove" on it - that was 7-11's brand.  I was pleasantly surprised with the 7-11 brand.  It was almost the flavor I have come to know from Hofstra.  Not quite it, but it was good - especially if you are someone who isn't a big "store brand" person.  The Brisk pink lemonade was okay.  I'm not a big fan of the "Brisk" drinks because I feel there is a bit of a zing to any of them (iced tea has been my usual experience).  Again, if it is put in front of me, I'll drink it.  In fact, there have been times I've been at events and that is the free drink they are offering, and if I need a drink, I'll take it!  At dinner I had the Simply Lemonade.  I enjoyed the taste immensely.  Again, not the Hofstra lemonade but I really enjoyed the flavor.  I did not, however, enjoy the pulp in the drink.

Since Saturday was a short day, I didn't have any lemonade during the time I spent with Annual Conference.  I did, however, have some at lunch time.  That was Stewart's brand.  It was also very good.  It had a bit of a tartness, which I actually enjoyed.  While at work I tried the Dole lemonade.  Again, a bit of tartness but not the sweetness I was hoping for.

I have had Minute Maid before in a larger bottle.  I think, as of right now, that is probably the closest to what I was looking for.  However, I have yet to try a glass of Turkey Hill which is still the huge bottle sitting in the fridge.  That will be tomorrow's taste test.  I have heard from a few people that is good stuff, so I'm hoping for good things!

However, what I am hoping for more is that next year we will be able to be at Hofstra once again so I don't have to go through a huge hunt to find the lemonade that will satisfy my craving for Hofstra's Lemonade.

Up next - the flavors of lemonade - at some point over the summer!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Merging is a New Journey - Pushing Through The Pain

After we had our final worship service at Wappingers and then had to transition pretty immediately to online worship at PUMC due to the pandemic, there was this sense of relief that for however long it lasted, I wouldn't have to feel like I HAD to be at church.  If I didn't feel well, I could stay home and sleep.  Or rest.  And if I was feeling up to it, I could watch church online.  And by "didn't feel well" I meant having one of my migraines.

There were times I literally pushed myself too hard to be at church because I had to read, or preach, or run the sound system, or run the projector, or any combination of those things.  Oh yeah, and someone had to make sure the offering got counted and deposited.

I told myself that I would never be in a position where it would matter whether or not I showed up to church or how I showed up to church.

After a long day fighting a headache (6/13/2021)

Then yesterday came.

I woke up at 3am with a POUNDING KILLER HEADACHE.  And when I say "pounding killer headache" it is the kind that I get maybe every few months.  It is one that I literally can't lay down because it makes the pain so much worse.  So I adjust myself to sleep sitting up, holding my head.  For the next 3 1/2 hours I alternate between sitting up and holding my head, laying on one side, waking up, sitting up to sleep again, laying on the other side, sitting up to sleep again, laying on the first side I tried.  During this time I wear an ice pack on my neck, which sort of helps.  Then I wonder if I'm dehydrated so I grab a coconut water and every time I wake up to adjust myself, I take a few sips of that.  When Sparkle finally wakes up and wants to go out, I can get out of bed and move slowly without too much pain.

It is one of those days where old me would have decided to stay home from church and watch online if I was feeling better.

But instead, current me moved slowly to let Sparkle out, drink some sips of iced tea, eat a couple small rolls, get dressed, sit with another ice pack for a bit, finish getting ready for church, then brought my sister to church where, on the way, the headache moved to include a massive neck ache or a really tight-feeling neck.  Oh, and while I usually play something off of my iPod to do a bit of vocal warmups, there was no warming up for me.  No iPod music at all.

But I needed to be there.  Choir was singing for the first time and I was so happy to be part of it.  And the postlude was a song I had been waiting for weeks to hear. 

Probably not one of my finer moments.

Strange enough, though.  Any time I was singing, I felt okay.  I don't know if it was because I was concentrating on singing it took my focus away from the pain.  Or maybe there is some healing quality in singing.  Or something completely different.  When I stopped singing, the head and neck pain returned.

By the time the worship service was over, my neck just ached instead of being in such pain.  My head felt better - a bit of pain but not like it was before.  So I was able to handle a few things after church with my favorite music people, talk with a few other people, and then go out to lunch with my bestie.  

Later in the afternoon I worked some outside, which may not have been the best decision in the world.  Not that the head pain came back as bad as it had been.  But I was starting to feel that weird feeling after fighting a massive headache all day...which made me think slower, take longer to do things, and just feel exhausted.

When bedtime came, I was so glad to be able to get a good night's rest.

I got a little nervous when Sparkle let me sleep in until 7:45 and I got up with a slight migraine.  However, getting through my morning routine with her, drinking some coffee, and having breakfast seems to have taken care of that.

I wish sometimes I didn't have to push through the pain.  But I do anyway.

So for those reading this who may have encountered me yesterday, and I didn't seem quite right, that's why.  And I hope it explains things.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thursday Thoughts - A Few Annual Conference Memories

Tonight is the start of Annual Conference for those of us in the New York Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.  It is taking place virtually, once again.  It will be a few busy days.  But I'm sure a productive few busy days.  So I thought I'd take some time to reflect on the memories of past Annual Conferences in the hopes that some will be able to be renewed next year.

The screen with Bishop Park leading...All Hail The Power of Jesus Name (2010)

There is so much to think about.  The worship.  The music.  The work.  The long hours.  A lot of walking.

But there is also the travel to and from Long Island.  Most of the time I have traveled with someone either from my church or another church.  Having someone else on the trip with you makes the time go by a little faster.  So, getting stuck in traffic isn't always a bad thing.

There are the quiet, peaceful moments.  Whether it is cooling off in the very well air-conditioned arena, sitting on a bench under a tree, walking the campus, or finding the water fall just outside the arena.

There is, of course, seeing people that you may only see once a year.  And getting to spend time with those you see in meetings over the course of the year, but don't really get to spend a lot of time with outside of those meetings.

Getting to see what all the ministry groups within the conference have been doing, and considering getting involved with some of the groups as you walk the various tables around the arena.

Picking that perfect seat for the duration, and hoping you can keep getting back to it.  But if not, being able to worship and fellowship with a variety of people - the majority of whom are all United Methodist, though they come from so many backgrounds.

Hearing the Lord's Prayer in everyone's preferred language.  It sounds so AWESOME to hear the variety of languages!

Taking the time to celebrate those we have lost, those who are moving into retirement, and those who are starting in different paths of their ministry - be it a commissioning or an ordination.

Having great discussions about any number of topics, while learning and growing from them.

There is so much more, but those are just some of the ones I will be missing most this time around - and as I said, hoping for the return of them next year.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Merging is a New Journey - The Continuing Journey

My First "Merging is a New Journey" Blog Entry

I have been blogging about this merging experience from one congregation to another for over a year now.  In about a month or so, the official start of being part of the merged congregation will have reached the year mark.

So, I'm contemplating a series name change.

I don't want to end the series, because I feel like there are still more stories to tell.  But I also feel like I am at the point where it is no longer a new journey but rather an ongoing journey.  Or a continuing journey.

Here is where those who read come in.  I'm going to put a few thoughts down.  Let me know which ones you like.  Or if you think of others, let me know what you like.

Merging is an Ongoing Journey
Merging is a Continuing Journey
Merging is a Growing Journey
Merging is an Unfinished Journey
Merging is an Everlasting Journey

A short entry today, but I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Thursday Thoughts - Sparkle Has No Chill

For several months during the start of the pandemic, I worked from home.  There were certainly difficulties, like trying to do all my work with just my laptop and no other screens from my room that got warm quickly.  They were stressful times.  But there were some blessings.  First, I had a window while I worked for the first time in...well...pretty much forever.  Second, I had Sparkle right there with me all day.

Now, when I was working from home during this time, Sparkle was pretty good.  We got into a routine of us getting up, me making coffee and having breakfast and her going outside.  Then we'd settle down in my room, her for a nap and me for working.  Until lunchtime, when I'd have lunch and she would go outside.  Then we'd settle back down, her for a nap and me for more work.  At the end of the day, she'd let me know when it was time to stop working and that would be the end of the day.

What's Next?

However, it did not take long for her to get out of this habit of our routine where she settles down and naps.  Just ask me on a day off where I have grand plans to sit and read, or crochet, or play games, or work on writing something on my laptop.  Sparkle?  Well, she has other plans.  To step in my lap looking for more treats.  Looking out the window, then moving to a toy, then looking out the window, then wanting to go out then wanting to come in to get more treats to look out the window to settle down for 5 minutes to want to go out again.  My weekends are like this.  As are days during the week when I am off for a holiday or because I take the time off.

Sparkle has no chill.

And it gets even better when she spots something in the back yard.  Or in our neighbor's yard as it comes to our yard.  Lately it has been the groundhogs.  But sometimes it's a huge bird.  Or too many squirrels.  Or a turkey.  Or a bunny.

All my plans for sitting and doing one activity for any length of time just go out the window, much like Sparkle seems to want to do when the wrong animals are in the back yard.

Sparkle has no chill.

Apparently she sleeps a lot during the day.  When I'm not home.  But all bets are off when I come home.  Or I am home.

I love Sparkle very much.  But she is not like any other dog we have had.  Maybe some day she will have some chill.  But not right now.