
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Life Gets In The Way

Knowing I had two nights of babysitting duty ahead (Tuesday and Wednesday) I decided to spend the bulk of my Monday evening doing course work (since class has now officially started) and getting a jump ahead on next week's readings.

So, I listened to and jotted down notes to two lectures, both about 13 minutes in length.  I took a bit of a break and played a couple rounds of a game on my iPad.  Then checked my assignment book to verify I was prepared to start reading the correct chapters for next week.  I started next week's reading...and my phone rang.

Sometimes life just gets in the way.

It was my mom asking if I would go to where she and my dad were...because my dad had fallen.  Thinking my dad fell on ice, I started to work on getting my Yaktrax on my shoes and finding a pair for him to put on his shoes and a minute later my mom calls again.

She asked me to call an ambulance because my dad was bleeding from his head.

Long story short.

By the time I get to where my dad and mom are, the ambulance has arrived and he is being prepped for transport to the hospital.

Sometimes life gets in the way.

Though I only got done with about half of what I wanted to accomplish last night, I am still very, very thankful.

See the thing is, my dad fell down 5 stairs backwards and bumped his head.  His cat scan was negative.  He had no brain bleeds.  No cracked skull.  No broken neck, back, or any other bones.  He has a concussion and a laceration on his head.  That's it.  He was dizzy and nauseous when my mom and I left him last night/early this morning just after 1am.  But that's typical for a concussion.  This morning he was able to eat breakfast and was much less dizzy.

Sometimes life gets in the way.  And it was done to remind me just how blessed I am to not only have such a great relationship with both my parents but that when something happens to them, it can be a lot worse.

So what I didn't get my reading done when I wanted?  My dad's alive and okay.  Life gets in the way to keep us in check.  Not that I think life needs to make people fall down steps to remind us of things.  But it reminded me not to forget how important my family is.  Not everyone is as blessed as I am to have the family relationship that I do.  And last night just reminded me how fortunate I am to have my family and the guardian angels that protect us daily.

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