
Monday, January 16, 2023

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - Losing a Church Family Member

The planet we live on, the country, state, county, and town I live in lost a very faithful man of God on Thursday (1/12/23).

Christmas Eve 2019

This was Richard. The photo is one of my favorites of him from our last Christmas Eve service at Wappingers. He was always willing to be liturgist and had such a great reading voice. Often when he read scripture we would hear a bit about the background of where it came in scripture - which he was passionate about sharing.

I experienced Richard in many ways during our time together at Wappingers. He was a lay servant, like me. He would preach from time to time.  We attended Bible studies together. If there was an event at church, he was always there to help out. He was our Finance chair and SPR for many years. We both attended Annual Conference in different capacities. We worked together when he was secretary of our Round Table (Ad Council) to ensure he picked up on everything we needed to make note of. When we no longer had kids or youth to light the candles he was often the acolyte. He also took on ushering and greeting duties.

He always had questions that gave you pause. When we were in Bible study together he would often come from a very different perspective from the rest of us. Which is always a good thing! Like me, he'd often take notes during the sermon.

He was always there with a hug to greet you - unless he was feeling under the weather. This was all pre-COVID though, when most people were okay with hugs. He'd always ask how you were, even if things weren't the greatest for him he always cared about everyone else around him. He would definitely let you know how things were going with him and his family if you asked him. 

When we did our first Thanksgiving Dinner, on his own he went to all his neighbors in his apartment complex and asked if they were interested in having a meal. Many of his neighbors were just one or two people who didn't have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving - or couldn't get somewhere. So he worked with another church member and transported many meals back to his neighbors. He did this almost every year we hosted a dinner.

Eleven years ago we were doing a winter Bible study. It was the first time I was able to do a Bible study with my sister because she was unemployed and pregnant with  Anastasia. And one of the days we met happened to be my sister's birthday. Which, turned out to also be Richard's birthday. He brought one of those sampler cheesecakes - with different flavored slices - to celebrate Jessica's birthday, which also happened to be his. And any time I was tasked with doing announcements around my sister's birthday, he made sure to remind me to share her birthday and if I wanted to, share that it was his too.

I know, for sure, that Richard is in a better place. A place where he is completely healed of everything that went on with him. He will be missed. But, I know he was welcomed with open arms by God and the words "Well done, my good and faithful servant." And maybe also, "Nicodemus!" by Robert, another man of God taken from this earthly world far too soon.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Friday's Finding - My Word of 2023

I struggled as 2022 came to a close with choosing my word of the year. I haven't always had a word of the year.  But the past two years it seemed to be the thing to do and the words came so easily to me. Words like "Hope" and "Joy" with accompanying stones found at the Christmas Tree Shop made sense.

But as I headed into 2023, I had a tough time finding a word. The thing with the word of the year, at least for me, is that I want to feel like I can live into that word. Maybe not every waking moment of every day of the year. But it should at least be a guide of some sorts to me and an encouragement to try to find those things, even in my darkest moments.

Dayspring had a Word of the Year quiz and going through it, the word it gave me was "Rooted." But that word just didn't resonate with me. I thought maybe I should repeat a word, because I really resonated with both Hope and Joy. But that almost felt like cheating.

Instead I went into 2023 without a word of the year. I didn't feel bad about it. It just was the way things seemed to go.

Until I looked at the things on my desk at work. I have a few desk sayings given to me by various people over the past few years. I have pictures of family (blood and not) hanging on a bulletin-type board. I have a picture my niece drew for me. I have a few small gifts from people. And a rock from a Health Benefits day several years ago. On the rock it says "Breathe." 

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Or rocks. There it was. My word for 2023.


Breathing is such a part of life that you don't often think about it. But, during our Contemplative worship service Sunday mornings, we are often encouraged in different ways to breathe in deeply. Or we do breath prayers. When I go for walks at Long Dock Park, I often breathe in the river air. It is a familiar smell, but one I miss when I go too long between visits. And, sometimes I get myself so wound up about things or singing or people or feelings or whatever that I need to remind myself to breathe.

Breathe is a word I definitely feel a connection to. One I do feel I can live into during 2023. And so, there it is.


Reminding myself to breathe 12/31/2022 - whether I knew it or not