
Monday, February 22, 2021

Merging is a New Journey - My (New) Ash Wednesday Tradition

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent.  I have had a variety of traditions, in a sense, on this day.  For awhile when I wasn't able to make church service, I would go to the chapel on campus at work and get my ashes and spend some time in prayer.  When I was able to get to church, well, I got my ashes there.  We had a few different services when we received ashes but that was always part of the tradition.  This year, we self-imposed due to COVID restrictions.  But even that is not what I am talking about.

My self-imposed ash cross 2/17/2021

Ash Wednesday 2020 was the first time I attended worship at PUMC as we got closer to our official merger.  We had been in the service a few years before on Ash Wednesday, but it was just because it was nearby and we didn't have a service at our church.  So, for me, this was my first real experience with my soon-to-be church family.

My sister and I sat near some of our church family from Wappingers and it was a very nice service.

When we received ashes, we could stay up at the prayer rail to receive prayer from Pastor Jody, which I did.  There was a lot going on for me.  This was all pre-COVID but I did need the prayers, badly.  After being at the rail, praying, and crying a lot I walked back to the pew where we were seated.  I didn't pay attention and when I walked into the pew, I SLAMMED my leg into the pew.  And when I say SLAMMED I mean SLAMMED with such force that I had a bruise on my right knee for a month.

Thus began the joke about the pews biting me.

So, I was usually quite careful until Epiphany when I got so excited about the music I slammed my leg again.

And then Ash Wednesday 2021 came.

No, we did not have in person service, but I assisted with the technology.

And slammed my left leg into the pew.

So, it is now my new Ash Wednesday Tradition, I guess.  Slamming my leg into a pew at church.

Funny, I guess?  Because at first I was like, "OW!" then "Oh no, again?" then laughing to myself.  Good thing I was wearing a mask because my facial expressions would have been hilarious to anyone else.

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