
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Thursday Thoughts - An Old Work Memory

While walking on campus yesterday, as has been the case a few times over the past several weeks, the sprinklers have been going.  And when the sprinklers go, where ever they are, they do tend to hit the sidewalk.

The sprinklers helping the grass

This reminded me of a long (long) time ago when we had to walk across campus in the middle of the day.  And, on hot summer days, we would long for the sprinklers to be going.  Well, sort of.

Sometimes we were carrying things or bringing things that couldn't get wet.  So we had to learn to watch the sprinklers and time when to walk by them so whatever we were carrying didn't get wet.

But if we didn't have anything to carry, and it was really, really, really hot, the object was to cool off, especially on hot summer days.  So then we would want to time it so we'd get hit by the sprinklers.  But not too much so we were overly soaked.

It has been a long time since I have seen the sprinklers going in the middle of the day.  But I'm often reminded of that memory now as I've seen the being used more while I'm outside over the past month.  Also it is very funny how some memories come back so easily, like the one on how to time out the sprinklers so you don't get wet - especially when several of them are covering an area and you have to dodge multiple sprinklers on different timings as you walk a single path.  

Seeing the sprinklers now makes me smile as I remember those former days.  And also laugh at myself as I had to dodge sprinklers while pushing a cart of all my stuff from one location to another.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - Settling Into a Routine

It may seem kind of strange to talk about being okay with a routine and church, because there is often the thought that you don't want to really be doing things in worship that are just "routine" or doing things "by rote."

The routine that I'm writing about though is anything close to doing things by rote.

It is the comfort of doing things week after week without things being thrown into chaos because of a pandemic or new restrictions or something like that.

Knowing that we have a Contemplative service at 8am.  That is quiet and really gives some time to delve into Scripture a bit.  And it usually leaves something else for you to consider long after the service is done.

Knowing that we rehearse some music at 8:45am with a team of musicians who are great to sing with as we sometimes learn new songs or find new ways to sing familiar songs.

Then choir meets to go over the anthem for that day.  Which always starts with a lot of fellowship and laughter which then has to be corralled by our fearless leader.

After practicing in the sanctuary, then we get some time to rest before service starts.  Sometimes it is a bit of time and sometimes not so much.  And now it means being in the room with air conditioning, and that is ALWAYS nice.

And then we have our worship service.

It's a great routine and one I look forward to every Sunday.

Also a routine - weekly sunsets...

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tuesday Admission - I've Been Neglectful of this Blog

It's been a minute or two since I've blogged.  My Sundays and Wednesdays would be filled with me thinking, "I need to get a photo ready to include in tomorrow's blog entry."  My Mondays and Thursdays would be filled with me thinking, "Make sure when you take a break, take time to write your blog entry."  My Tuesdays and Fridays would be filled with me thinking, "Oh man, I missed my scheduled blog.  I'd better make sure I write one next Monday/Thursday."

Sorry I've been so silent and letting so many days go by without any sort of entry.

There has been no excuse.  I could have come up with something to write. And in some cases, I had an idea.  I just didn't write.

And maybe there is an excuse.  Not that I would ever use a job as an excuse for anything.  But I do have a new job (started yesterday) while still working through some outstanding projects and things from my old job.  Which means my brain is going in about 20 more different directions than it usually does.

All this to say, sorry for being so absent for so many weeks.  Everything is okay.  I just need to remember to breathe and remember the things that I do for my own self, like writing things out.

Ice Cream after Church on 7/17/2022

Monday, July 4, 2022

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - I found the Silverware!

For those of you who have been following my blog for the last couple years or if you read my first version of my compilation of my Merging blog entries, you may remember one of the first things I wrote about was silverware.  If you are curious, it can be found here. Knowing where all the silverware went after drying them or where they could be found if they were needed was one of the first things I learned in the kitchen at Wappingers.  It came so naturally to pull those drawers open and find what I knew would be there.

Well, I finally found the silverware in the kitchen at PUMC.

Communion Prep in the Refrigerator at PUMC

It all started when I was asked to help set up Communion for Sunday (7/3/22).  Which, having done it so many times before at Wappingers seemed not too difficult a task.  It turned out to be a bit of an adventure, but it all worked out in the end.

But in the midst of all this, I needed to find a knife to cut bread.  Which required opening practically every drawer in the kitchen.  And while I did find a knife to cut the bread I also found the silverware.  Which seemed to come at a point where I felt like it was almost full circle.  It's almost two years since the merger became official.  Today is one year since I planned and preached my first full service at PUMC.  And I now know the drawers that contain the forks, spoons, and knives for a regular meal or for regular use.

I've been shown a variety of places where things are hidden.  Where the oil is kept for the candles.  Where the items are for Communion.  Where they keep the candle lighter.  Where the music is organized.  I just never had the occasion to spend much time doing work in the kitchen which would have led to finding the silverware sooner.

But now I have.  And I wonder what I will find next.