For the first time in 14 years, I did not attend Annual Conference.
Annual Conference attendance for me started as an overnight trip to attend an afternoon laity workshop followed the next day by a morning session for laity and then ordination. I found I really enjoyed the atmosphere and worship, and learned from the delegates and pastor of my church that you could indeed attend Annual Conference as a guest - you just don't get to vote on things.
A post from my first trek to Annual Conference |
So that was my plan - to attend the next year as a guest. Little did I know that would never happen for me. I wound up attending as a reserve delegate for my church (Wappingers), then the nominated delegate, then later as a delegate for our district, New York-Connecticut.
I've stayed in hotels with others. I've stayed in the dorms at Hofstra. I've traveled with others from my church, with my mom, with friends from other churches, and alone. I've taken time off of work to pack ahead of time and recover from the time away and the drive. And I've even hung out in a lounge area at work to participate in Virtual Annual Conference during the COVID years.
But this year, I opted to miss Annual Conference. There was just a lot going on at home and I was afraid that being so far away from both my parents with their things going on would cause me to be distracted and not be able to be as focused as I should be on the business-side of things at Annual Conference, and certainly would not be able to enjoy the other parts, like worship services or fellowship.
I did find, however, that I was missing Annual Conference. Maybe not all the tedious stuff, like financials, which are important but sometimes discussions go a bit above my head. Or when things get started late or people run over their time. But I missed seeing all the people I know. I missed the people from the district who I sometimes see on Zoom and even in-person from time to time. I miss the people from across the conference who I have gotten to know from various committees or if they spent time on district committees that I'm on while they were appointed here. I missed former pastors of my previous church or pastors that I worked with in different capacities. I missed laity who were in classes I either was a participant in or led. I missed the connection - I missed being able to see them in person once again.
It kind of made me a little sad. But a wise friend told me I have a lot on my plate. And that got me thinking that, yeah, I did. And not going freed me up to assist in worship service this past Sunday. It also gave me the opportunity to be part of an Interfaith Choir, which sang yesterday. To meet new people. To gain new skills (playing hand bells) which also allowed me to spend time with some people in church I don't get to spend a lot of time with usually. And to be part of something really great yesterday.
For those who I missed at Annual Conference who may read this, know that I did miss seeing all of you. And I certainly kept all of you in my prayers along with my own congregation's and district's delegates. And hopefully I will be back next year, as a guest, so that we can reconnect once again.
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