
Thursday, March 3, 2022

Thursday Thoughts - It's Lent and I Cry

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday which marks the start of Lent.  40 days (minus Sundays) of pondering and reflection until eventually we mark Christ's death and resurrection.

When I attend a service, in person, now at PUMC for Ash Wednesday as just a congregation member, there seem to be two things in common.

One, I get ashes on my head and spend time in prayer.

Ashes received 3/2/2022

Two, I cry.

Luckily there wasn't a third thing, that I smash the heck out of my knee on a pew and wind up with a gigantic bruise.  That happened two years ago.

But I cry, typically while I am in a prayerful time.  I'm not sure if it is stress building up, or because that is just how I am connecting with God, or something else.  Maybe it is because it is Lent and we are coming to a time of contemplation.

I don't know.  But it all somehow makes me feel closer to God.  Which I guess is the more important thing.

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