
Thursday, February 18, 2016

When Social Media goes Prime Time #MaristSM16 #TeamScorpion

It's mid-term week, so there is no regular discussion.

I did, however, run into something amazing via Twitter that showed just what an influence social media has on prime time television.

Since the start of Season 1 in 2014, Scorpion fans have been rooting for their favorite couples, giving them hashtag names that have become so popular.  One hashtag that came up for a vote on social media was the pairing of Toby Curtis and Happy Quinn.  So that the fans were united in their discussion of the couple, we were asked to vote between #Tappy (Toby/Happy) or #Quintis (Quinn/Curtis).  #Quintis won out and that is how they were referred to.

Fans of the coupling on the show talk often about how much #Quintis or #Waige (Walter/Paige) action there was and continue to remember probably their most favorite couple, #Melvester (Megan/Sylvester), even though the character of Megan has now passed on.

Well, that name "Quintis" will be showing up on the next episode, airing Monday, February 22nd.  Below is a clip where it is announced:

Announcing Quintis

I'm not sure if it was an overall plan for the writers to incorporate that name or if they decided to incorporate it because of the social media use...I prefer to think it was the latter....

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