
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Random Thoughts on #HealthCare

It's been awhile since my last entry, I know.  One of my goals was to keep up with my blog after my social media class, and I failed miserably.  I'll try to get better.

So here is my random thought for the day...

My dad went to see a retinal specialist yesterday.  He's fine, just on an eye exam at the optometrist they saw some floaters and tiny hemorrhages in one of his eyes.  They have no reason why that was happening and took care of it, so he's doing fine.

But my mom commented that they didn't have to pay anything, but if they wound up owing money because their health care coverage didn't cover the appointment, then they would be billed.  They don't have a specific vision plan through Medicare, I guess just enough to have a somewhat regular eye exam.

I thought about my own health care insurance, provided through my employer, which also includes a vision plan.  And it got me thinking....

The big thing with health care is that it helps cover you, your spouse, and your dependent children.

Okay, great.  I don't have a spouse and I don't have any children of any kind.

So it's just me.

But why doesn't health care allow you to put your parents on?  In the end, it winds up being the children who take care of the parents.  They wind up being dependent on the child for decisions based on their health, but the child can't help the parent by making sure they have good health care coverage too?

Everyone has to have health care in the United States - so why can't we find ways of making that happen that is not difficult, especially for those "getting on in years?"

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