
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Thursday Thoughts - My 3 Master's (aka why I was a crazy loon)

 So, I guess you could say I am starting a new series that I guess I am starting on this Thursday so I called it Thursday Thoughts.  It has nothing to do with my Merging is a New Journey series, which I expect will continue as I experience new/familiar things, though maybe not as frequently.

Sometimes I have these dreams about being with faceless people - I can't identify who they are - but I am doing normal things with them, or what would have been considered normal in the past, like walking through a mall or sitting in a park or going to a movie or having a cup of coffee.

The most recent dream of a faceless person was sitting outside of a coffee shop, drinking coffee, and talking to this person about my 3 Master's Degrees.

The sign my sister had made for my recent graduation

So, the faceless person asks the question that winds up being on everyone's mind, "Why 3 Master's Degrees?"

My answer to the faceless person is very different from what I used to answer other people when they asked the same question.  My answer used to be "because I thought it would help me be better in my job" and "because I want to do something different in my life."  And I still believe what I have learned will benefit me in my job.

But here is what I say to the faceless person.  "I was trying to prove to myself that I am smart too."

About 3 years ago I wrote about my time as someone who was engaged.  I'm not sure many people read that blog entry.  I'm not sure many people have read much of what I have been writing about lately either.  But anyway, I wrote about some of the reasons why I wound up ending the engagement.  One of the reasons was related to knowledge.

The guy I was engaged to was smart.  I like smart people.  I like people who know about something so well that I can learn from them.  Or I can enjoy something about them.  I could watch musicians play for hours.  I like watching friends and others play video games that I would lose a life within 5 seconds.  And when I don't have a migraine, I like to watch the games my niece plays on the tablet from time to time and the house designs she makes in her games.

But I don't like when I am made to feel stupid by those same people.  And my ex-fiance made me feel stupid any time he spouted off information and it was even worse when I started to talk about something I knew a bit about know...he just HAD to know more than I did on the subject.

So in a subtle way, in addition to trying to better myself for my job and maybe be able to do something else in my life, I was also unknowingly trying to prove that I was smart too and that I could be more than just someone in a job with a Bachelor's degree that had nothing to do with what she was doing as an employed person.  Okay, so maybe I wasn't as smart as my ex going for a doctorate in applied mathematics.  But, I managed to get through 3 Master's Degrees with a pretty good GPA, and that is good enough for me.

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