A little over a year ago, as I've already talked about, I started to get involved in things at church more and my love for music returned.
About a month ago I shared something on Facebook about a Music Ministry Certification program through BeADisciple.com. It is a year-long program with 3 church music informational (not learning instruments) courses and then a practicum. This program really called to me.
The first texts for the course on Psalms |
And I am happy to say that I signed up for the first course, which begins in mid-January, 2022.
I am not sure I would have ever taken this step had so many things happen over the course of the last year or so. I am very excited about what I will be learning. And no, it's not another degree!!! (haha!) It's just a certificate in something that I hope will only expand my love and appreciation for music, not just as something to hear or sing but also something to really understand between the theology and meaning and history of some of the music I sing.
This is a short one today. But I'm glad to be able to share it!
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