
Monday, January 31, 2022

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - Sudden Memories

Sometimes you never know when a memory is going to hit you.  This happens in one's personal life but it can also happen in church.

Last week I wrote about a memory that happened early on in my life with PUMC that I was reminded of.  It was something that I knew about ahead of time, and even though I reacted emotionally to the memory, I was able to brace myself a bit for it.

This week, all bets were off.

I had no idea that a memory was going to come back so strongly and send me down an emotional path.

The memory that came back was a cantata we sang in choir at Wappingers called "Come to the Table."  Any time I hear that phrase, "Come to the Table" I am immediately reminded of that cantata and that song, but never having been able to find the song online anywhere as a listening video or audio byte, I gave up on hearing the tune outside of my own brain.

Until yesterday's prelude.  When I heard the tune.  And nearly exploded in my seat.  Which turned into a sense of peace and tears.

Turns out the tune name is "Holy Manna" and there are hymns and things with this tune, not just "Come to the Table" that I was familiar with.  But now I know where I can look when I want to hear the tune, even if I don't get to hear the words that I was most familiar with.

A sudden memory brought forth new life and knowledge.  Without knowing it was coming.  Which made it all that much more special.

1/30/2022 Backyard Sun Just Because

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Thursday Thoughts - Waiting

Last night during a Church Conference-Level meeting, the leader read a devotional with the focus on waiting.  And it got me thinking about waiting.

There are a lot of things we all wait for.  

Anastasia waits for the bus every morning, usually with her mommy (my sister).

I wait at work usually while the K-cup maker makes my morning coffee.

We wait for a microwave to reheat leftovers or make a frozen meal.

People wait at doctor's offices to be called back, to see a nurse, and to see a doctor.

I have to wait for the camera on my phone to take a photo at night, like the photo below:

There's a dipper in the sky! 1/26/2022


We wait for our food to arrive at a restaurant or at home from things like Uber Eats.

We wait for meetings to start.

I wait for the one thing my heart most longs for.

There is certainly a lot of waiting in this world.

But in all that waiting, there is God.  God waits with us in all circumstances, when we are hungry, tired, impatient, or just plain waiting.  God is there.  God waits with us.  And God waits for us. 

Waiting is a part of life, but what is great is when there is someone else waiting with us.  It helps the waiting seem a bit easier to bear.  We may have our family waiting with us for something, or friends.  But if there isn't someone there like that, there is always God right there next to us, helping us get through the waiting.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - A PUMC Memory

So often when I talk memories, I think of my time at Wappingers.  But, sometimes things bring me back to my early days at PUMC.  Not that they were that long ago, but this one takes us back to mid-October 2020 and Laity Sunday.

Singing at Laity Sunday 2020

This day was a changing point in my life, not just at church but in my personal life.  It was when my love for music, especially organ music, was re-invigorated probably to a point that some people may find quite annoying.  But it works for me.

The thing that sealed it for me on this day was the postlude, a version of "To God Be The Glory."  It literally made me want to jump out of my seat it made me that happy.

Fast forward to yesterday.  When the song was played again as a postlude.  And the memories of when I heard this the first time came back.  And the feelings.  And there were some tears.  (Happy ones!)

Granted, I did know before the service I was going to hear it.  But, it was almost like hearing it again for the first time but also it had a sense of comfort to it.

It brought back memories of that day when I first heard it and a sense of growth of how far I have come since then, again not just at church but on a personal level too.

Memories do not always have to be from years and years ago.  They can be simple reminders of something in one's more recent past, like this song brought back to me.  I am very glad for the past memories but I'm also glad for these memories too!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday Thoughts - Music & Mugs

Everyone knows that I have a slight obsession with music.  Lately it has manifested itself in a lot of classical and organ music.  But, I also do love a good Christmas carol.  Some of those I have various copies played on the organ.  When it comes to the more non-secular songs, there are some I love and some I just really am not a fan of.  I know them.  I can probably sing a lot of the lyrics to them.  I just don't like them.

However, knowing them helped me win a holiday trivia contest our department had.  It was great because it allowed participation from both those on site and those who were remote, like I was.  And while I was falling behind on the general trivia questions, once we got to the music, my score took off!  It took off so much, that I won!

But since I was remote playing and then the holiday came around and then people were encouraged if they could to remote work after the holiday....I didn't get my prize until yesterday.

Trivia Prize!

Now, I have been around Marist for a very, very long time with my 4 years as a full-time student right after high school, then a few months off after I could no longer work until I was hired full-time in November, 1998 and have been around ever since.

However, I have never, ever bought myself a Marist mug.  I had a water bottle many years ago.  I've had shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and shorts.  I've bought my family shirts and mugs.  But I, myself, have never had a Marist mug.  Until now.

I was so thrilled to get it!  And I can't wait to start using it!  And I'm so glad that I know Christmas songs so well, even the ones I really can't stand!

Monday, January 17, 2022

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - The Bishop Came!

Sometimes you are lucky and your church gets to host a Bishop once.  In 2011 a bishop came to the Wappingers church.  And that was a pretty cool experience.

Yesterday Bishop Bickerton came to our congregation at PUMC.  And that was a cool experience as well.

Pew Signs on the closed off pews

Because of the ongoing pandemic, we thought maybe this might not be a reality.  But Bishop Bickerton and D.S. Riss came.  And it was a great service.  Many hands ahead of the service did all sorts of work to make sure we could have the safest environment as possible and space if more people than expected arrived.  Our live-streaming was on point for those who opted to stay home.  The music really spoke to me.  Even if I didn't sing all of it.  And that is fine, being able to listen and worship while hearing others sing was wonderful.

And the Bishop's message?  Exactly what I needed to hear, not just from a spiritual level but a personal (VERY PERSONAL) one as well.  I left inspired and ready for the visioning our congregation will be doing.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thursday Thoughts - Braving Cold, Snow, and Ice

It hasn't been quite a year since I started being, well, pretty obsessive with getting pictures of sunsets.  And while it was a weekly occurrence in the summer because the weather was so nice, I soon found myself, even as the days grew colder, still wanting to get out to see the sun set, spend some time by the river, and sometimes exploring.

This past weekend was no exception.  It was the coldest it had been.  We had snow the Friday before, which, was not cleared out except for some small parking areas where I have been going lately.  Which led to my trek, in boots, in snow and ice.

Snow and ice on the trails 1/8/2022

 I also wore a winter coat and had my hat available in case I got too cold.

What was nice, though, was that I found a great spot by the river to watch the sun go down.  But since at first the sun was still shining down and there were no clouds around, it was actually kind of warmish.  But, as soon as the sun went down, you could feel the temperature go down as well.

Normally the ice and snow would have deterred me.  Who would want to walk on that?  There was a time when seeing that would have scared me to move.  And while some parts seemed or looked icier than others, and I did take my time, my hope for finally catching a nice sunset after a couple weeks of nothing pushed me forward.  

And boy did I get my sunset!  And my peace.  At least for a little while.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - Bad Weather

Yesterday was cold and rainy and in areas that were not well traveled, it was icy.  Jessica and I went to church, because all the roads we were on were fine.  The only thing all day that wound up being bad was the sidewalk at church, when we left after service.

People were encouraged to stay home, especially since we have options of viewing the service online.  And this includes those of us who were to be part of the service.  But we made it in.  And made it home safely.

But this got me thinking back to other times when weather was bad.  Sometimes we were almost meant to feel bad if we missed church, even if the weather was bad.  "Oh you missed it last week!"  There were other times I almost felt obligated to be there because if I didn't, who would do all the behind-the-scenes stuff?

There were a couple times I had to make the choice of whether to have service or not, because I was going to be the one leading service.  Those are some difficult calls to make.  Especially because I was making them the day before.   And there was always a sense of dread as I looked out the window overnight.  Did it snow yet?  Do we have a lot?  Did I make the wrong choice?

In those cases, I did make the right choice.

I'm sure we are headed for more bad weather decisions.  And I am so glad, right now, that I don't have to make them!  But I am also glad for technology that allows us to be able to still join church even if we do not feel safe leaving our driveways.

After church, in my WINTER jacket!

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thursday Thoughts - Match's "Adults Date Better"

It's a new year and I guess that is why is heavily promoting their site because I'm sure that someone, somewhere told them that in 2022 there are singles out there who made it a resolution to go on more dates or find a relationship or something like that.

Or maybe there is research data to back the fact that every new year people want to start relationships.

Anyway, has been saying in their ads (that I have seen a lot) "Adults date better."

And it got me thinking.  Last year my wish (that didn't come to fruition) was to go on one good date.  But, I'm 45.  So what is a good date for me?  What do I think constitutes an adult dating "better"?

Sun setting at Marist 1/5/2022

I think what most people expect of a relationship is not what I think dating needs to be like for me now.

I share a sunset picture because that is one thing I'd think would make a good date - just watching the sun set.  It's not always a long activity.  But it is one that brings me peace.  And one I'd be happy to share.

I'm big on communication, but now that can take place in so many ways, text, email, phone, in person, etc.  I feel like I'd be happy using any combination of those to talk about things and even get to know the person.

I am just quite busy with church-type stuff, so I feel like if it doesn't scare someone way, it may be beneficial to someone who is busy with whatever they are busy with, no demands for having to see each other every day. may be able to provide adults with ways to date better.  But I think what is best is what will work for the people involved in the relationship.  Maybe heading in without the expectations of what a dating relationship looks like to everyone else is the best approach.

Now to find someone who thinks like me on that.....

Monday, January 3, 2022

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - A New Year Transition (Watch Night!)

The transition from one year to the next always fills me with a bit of sadness. Not because a year is leaving but because it seems everyone gets so hyped about the celebrations and I never have plans to celebrate.

For awhile at church we did a Watch Night service at 11pm.  It was great because I got to not only celebrate the outgoing year and the incoming year with church family but we also hung out after the new year to have Communion and even better, BREAKFAST!  The first meals with church family!  And I learned the importance of being in prayer as we went from one year into the next.

But then the pastor who brought back Watch Night to our church was appointed somewhere else.  And I was left to "celebrate" the new year alone again.  I continued to pray myself into the new year, but instead of with others I did it alone.  I couldn't even seem to find Watch Night services locally (in 2019/2020) or online (2020/2021).

Until this year...when Watch Night was brought to PUMC.  Or brought back.  Something like that.

One of my Watch Night 2021 images

Anyway, though it was early in the evening instead of late at night, it was a very similar service to the one I was used to.  It was great being able to take some time to reflect on the outgoing year while at church.  And then, at home, though still alone, I prayed my way into 2022.

The Watch Night service really gave me pause to think about how far I had come in 2021.  Maybe not in all the ways I wanted to or expected to.  But definitely within church I have come far and I expect to go further in 2022.  Or at least I hope to.

It was a different Watch Night but it was one that I truly needed.  I am so glad I went!  And that I shared during the service.  And that I got to experience the service as someone just being there.  It was such a blessing.

Happy 2022!