
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday Thoughts - Repurposed Again

The Repurposed Dress

Some of you may have seen this picture before.  It was a dress I bought in 2020 that I planned to wear on Easter, that didn't happen.  I wound up wearing it for our merger services in July 2020, when I first felt this dress was repurposed.  I may have worn it other times, but the next time I wore it that was a significant event was the merger of PUMC with Bangall.

And now I have found a new reason to wear this dress.

Commencement for the Class of 2020, which will be happening on Saturday, May 28th.

I thought about getting a new dress.  But I would need something dark, in case the regalia (black) bleeds into my clothes.  I'd rather wear something dark or black in that case.  Sitting out in the morning in the (hopefully) sun.

So I thought this dress, instead of always being known as the "Merger Dress" to me could now also be repurposed as a "Celebration Dress" as, two years later, I get to celebrate receiving my MBA.

I feel like I also continue to be repurposed, at work and in church.  Sometimes I am seeking those opportunities, other times they just find me, and yet other times I am asked to be part of a repurposing event.  And that definitely is not a bad thing.

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