Well, it's Monday after Easter. It's Monday after Holy Week has completed. And I'm exhausted.
Probably not as exhausted as our organist.
Definitely not as exhausted as our pastor.
But exhausted.
All last week I had something to do after work. From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, 8 days, 7 of those days I was at church. One day I was there twice and on the second time I never left. Don't worry, all will be explained.
There was a meeting at church on Wednesday. Then Thursday, Maundy Thursday, I left work and went right to church to make sure the sanctuary was set up the way the Pastor wanted and to see if he needed any help doing things before service began. I also took the opportunity to remove all the various music books in our chancel area as part of the stripping of the sanctuary - because almost every seat has a hymnal and two other books and I felt they needed to go. Then we had the service, after which I stuck around for a bit to prep for the Good Friday service.
Good Friday I was back at church a bit early so we could practice some of the music that was in the service. Plus I had a reading and something I wrote that was part of the service, along with some of our other lay servants. And after the service, the Pastor, organist, and I prepped the sanctuary as best as we could for Easter Sunday, so we didn't have as much to do on Saturday once the Easter flowers arrived. For me this included filling the altar candles so we could place them strategically and I wouldn't have to take them down to fill them once we put them up.
And now we come to Holy Saturday. Now, usually this was a day that meant it was just the day before Easter, with not a lot to do. One year at Wappingers we did have a Holy Saturday service. But usually it meant it was the day that the flowers were put on the altar space. And that came to be what it meant for me at Poughkeepsie too. And that was trip one to church on Saturday. To mark and return the music books to the chancel area, to put contemporary song copies in the choir member's binders, and help with setting up the flowers for Easter Sunday. Oh, and to blow up my air mattress.
Because Round 2 was arriving with stuff to sleep over at church around 8:30pm. And attending our Easter Vigil - a viewing of Jesus Christ Superstar, a discussion about what Easter means to us, decorating a cross with flowers for the sanctuary, bringing the cross to the sanctuary, singing a hymn, and being in prayer minutes before midnight. Then at midnight we sang Christ the Lord is Risen today and Up From the Grave He Arose, finally being able to say Hallelujah after the season of Lent.
Now, what happened next?
I slept over.
Yes, you read that right. Because Sunrise Service was just a few hours later, starting at 6am but me needing to be there before that, and knowing what would happen if I went home to try to sleep I opted to stay at church.
Didn't get much sleep - about an hour. But it was a relaxed time. I didn't feel stressed about having to fall asleep, which usually happens. I just felt very calm. And comfortable. And safe.
So got up before my alarm that was set for 5am. Got dressed, read a couple Bible plans I had on my phone, packed up my air mattress and other stuff, and dragged everything I didn't need out to my car.
We had the Sunrise Service which was cold but great hearing the birds and watching the sky brighten.
Then it was time to get ready for the Contemplative Service at 8am. Where I had my Breakfast of Non-Champions:
The Breakfast of Non-Champions
The Body Armor drink to combat dehydration from lack of sleep - which would have caused a massive migraine, which I had no time for. The Lucky Charms as an easy treat I could eat without milk and close up when I had enough. I also had, not pictured, half of an iced tea for caffeine, also to prevent a headache. And, can I just say, with my lack of sleep and drinking that entire re-hydrating drink (plus a dose of Advil) I did NOT get a headache!
We had the Contemplative Service and then it was time to get ready for our regular service with lots of singing. Service was longer than usual, though it certainly didn't feel like it.
But it wasn't over for me yet.
I went home and then prepped and cooked Easter Dinner - ham, a mustard sauce, a ginger ale and brown sugar sauce and mashed potatoes. Thanks to my sister with the assist in making the green bean casserole!
After all this, I took some time to sit outside in my yard and read for a bit and then played with Sparkle, who was having a grand time chasing a bowl (yes, a bowl) that she wanted thrown. And then crashed for a 30 minute nap in an uncomfortable position with Sparkle who insisted on hogging up my entire bed.
It was a long week and the last 2 days were a long couple of days.
But honestly, I wouldn't have traded it for anything. Doing all that to reflect on and then celebrate all that Christ did for me, for each of us, was worth it.