
Monday, November 22, 2021

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - Being Alive!

I struggled with a subtitle for today's entry because it is going to cover a few things, all of which were part of my Sunday.

I have also been struggling with masks and robes.  We have to wear masks to sing, which I understand and accept.  Robes have now become part of choir and I accept that too.  (And I'm glad that I'm wearing a robe I'm comfortable with!!!)  But, for someone who is always on the warmer side, I have been struggling every Sunday with getting overheated which results in pretty nasty overheated and dehydrated headaches.  First it was just because of the masks and then the robe added to it...even though it was getting cooler outside, the sanctuary tends to retain the warmth.  A good thing when it gets really cold. But for me, I have to find ways to keep myself cool!

Last week in an attempt to combat dehydration I tried some Gatorade Frost before and during the service.  My usual go-to drink when I'm dehydrated is coconut water, but it tends to gunk up my throat and that makes it hard to sing.  Gatorade doesn't do that, and while I typically hate the extra salty taste in Gatorade, Gatorade Frost isn't as bad.  It did help a bit.  (While also wearing a not-heavy tank top under my robe.)  This week I tried a new mask (made for athletes so better for breathing) and more Gatorade.  And it helped SO MUCH!  I felt GREAT after worship.  No headache or anything!!  

Because I felt so great, I stayed to help sort through a big pile of music.  And spent some time with a friend.  Then headed home for a bit before going to a Thanksgiving service at the Bangall UMC location.

And then I did something I haven't done in a long time. I sang really loud with a worship song.  While waving my free (non-steering wheel) arm around.

Don't get me wrong, I sing a lot in the car.  I sing my warm ups when alone on the way to rehearsal or Sunday service.  I sing because I feel like it.  But I just sing at a normal volume.

But this song came on...and I couldn't help but turn it up loud and sing REALLY REALLY LOUDLY with it.

This song is a Christian version based on the original song, "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen.  There's a good video someone posted of Lincoln Brewster playing this song live, explaining how he came up with the alternate lyrics.  But this version has always been a favorite of mine since I heard it on his live album.

And it just hit me yesterday, as I was driving along the Taconic, Maybe it was because I was going to a Thanksgiving service.  Maybe it was the view.  Maybe it was the earlier part of the day.  Or the things I had done or heard that made me happy.  Maybe it was that I was feeling really good on a Sunday afternoon, which hasn't happened in awhile.  Or maybe it was everything combined.  I have a feeling it might have been that last thing.

Whatever it was, I was having my own worship session with God and I can't help but think it was some part of my ongoing journey and I am really glad that it happened!  It made me appreciate and to be thankful for the entire day!  I definitely hope I am blessed with many more days like that!

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