
Monday, January 31, 2022

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - Sudden Memories

Sometimes you never know when a memory is going to hit you.  This happens in one's personal life but it can also happen in church.

Last week I wrote about a memory that happened early on in my life with PUMC that I was reminded of.  It was something that I knew about ahead of time, and even though I reacted emotionally to the memory, I was able to brace myself a bit for it.

This week, all bets were off.

I had no idea that a memory was going to come back so strongly and send me down an emotional path.

The memory that came back was a cantata we sang in choir at Wappingers called "Come to the Table."  Any time I hear that phrase, "Come to the Table" I am immediately reminded of that cantata and that song, but never having been able to find the song online anywhere as a listening video or audio byte, I gave up on hearing the tune outside of my own brain.

Until yesterday's prelude.  When I heard the tune.  And nearly exploded in my seat.  Which turned into a sense of peace and tears.

Turns out the tune name is "Holy Manna" and there are hymns and things with this tune, not just "Come to the Table" that I was familiar with.  But now I know where I can look when I want to hear the tune, even if I don't get to hear the words that I was most familiar with.

A sudden memory brought forth new life and knowledge.  Without knowing it was coming.  Which made it all that much more special.

1/30/2022 Backyard Sun Just Because

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