
Monday, February 7, 2022

Merging is an Ongoing Journey - God's Answer is People

In an email I was writing to a friend, I wrote something that immediately said I should write more on this!  And so today's blog entry was born.

Grey Morning 2/7/2022


What I wrote was basically that we should always go to God first when we are struggling with something.  And, I admitted that sometimes I feel like God doesn't answer the way we want the answer to come - with something very clear and bold.

But, a lot of times I have noticed that God's answer is people.

What I mean by that is that God puts people in our lives that we need either at that time or in a future time or for as long as we know the person.  I have discovered this with my best friend, Jess.  God put us together when we started our MBA journeys together at the same time.  And though we finished at slightly different times, we were able to study together, learn together, and encourage each other every step of the way.

But God has also put the people at PUMC in my life for many reasons.  To learn from them.  To grow with them.  To sing with them.  To pray with them.  To send lengthy emails to them.  To ramble to them.  To worship with them.  To share things with them.  To listen to them.  To be open and honest with them.  To become close friends and family with them.

Sometimes God's answer to a prayer is the people put in our lives.  I know I could list person after person that I feel this way about, but I don't want to list them all because knowing me, I'd miss someone!

And I am so thankful for remembering that today.

Thank you God for the people you have put in my life, throughout my life.

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