
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday Thoughts - Things I've Learned (Lately)

Morning Sky 7/29/2021

Here are just some random thoughts about things I have learned lately....

  • Sparkle likes to scare me some mornings and hide behind a tree.  What gets worse is I call her name once and she stays hidden.  She waits until I scream "SPARKLE!!!!!" in a panicked voice to peek around the tree and look at me like I'm crazy.  And yes, this happens during the 6am hour.  I guess she does this to make sure I am awake.
  • If I read certain emails before I go to sleep, it affects my dreams.  So I must stop reading certain emails before I go to sleep.  But then it becomes, will I actually do it?
  • I also read too much into simple phrases in said emails.  Which I also must stop doing.  Because it also affects my dreams.
  • I need to stop singing loudly at work.  There are more people around.  Though I am currently ignoring this lesson learned.
  • Also, I need to not be so hard on myself.  So says many friends.
  • I am so blessed to have friends who still love/like me even when I am crazy.  Which is all the time.
  • Peeling potatoes and chopping celery is soothing for me.  And healing.  Especially because I tend to listen to music while I do it.  So that becomes part of the healing too.  Thus, when I get to do both for potato salad, the potato salad becomes "Healing Potato Salad."
  • I've got to remember to put my tea tree lotion on BEFORE going outside to enjoy the weather, my dog, and a book.  Because as soon as the first mosquito bites me, my happy time is no longer happy.  And my poor arms or legs become bite-covered itchy annoyances.
  • I am random.
  • Sometimes, I type way too much.  But I'm glad for those who read it and are okay with it!

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